Saturday, March 22, 2014

Louisiana bans use of welfare benefits for tattoos, lingerie, jewelry.

I find this interesting.  I have had to get food stamps before. It goes to your head. I went nuts when the Food stamps landed on my card. I would get snacks, I would get soda, etc. Not proud of all of my purchases, but just showing that I understand. You are much more likely to buy name brand or more expensive food if you have them. The whole idea of welfare is to help those who can not afford the basic needs that a family has. Food stamps should probably be monitored the way that W.I.C. is- where you can only get generic items, for example. This way your family has more food that you need because the cost is less on you and on the govt. ALSO- while I'm on my soap box, I think that if you are getting welfare- you should be monitored with the cash. I agree with this article. If your income is so low that you qualify to have the monetary benefits then you should use that money on your rent/utilities and other bills that are necessary. You should not be able to purchase the things that are listed in Louisiana's regulations. I mean if you are having a hard time paying the very basic bills then you do not need to spend the money on cigarettes and booze either. The money is for the children mostly anyway. The cash should not be able to be withdrawn at an ATM just so that the recipient can go spend the money foolishly.